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Surfside Building Collapse Final Victim Identified
A relative of Estelle Hedaya, 54, said the authorities had identified her remains. The final death toll is 98.
Democrats Try to Win Back Latino Voters After 2020 Elec...
Did Democrats take the Hispanic vote for granted in 2020? Some in the party think they did, and can’t afford the same mistakes goi...
Biden, Sinema Meet on Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal
Time is running short for negotiators ahead of a scheduled August recess.
Critical Race Theory: A Brief History
How a complicated and expansive academic theory developed during the 1980s has become a hot-button political issue 40 years later.
U.S. Military Strikes Shabab Fighters in Somalia
The Pentagon said it was defending allied Somali forces from afar in the latest drone attack against Shabab fighters.
Biden to Campaign for Terry McAuliffe in Virginia
The president, trading his more serene presidential demeanor for a fiery campaign one, whipped up the crowd and sought to portray ...
Scenes From America’s Largest Wildfire
Small fires burned inside hollowed-out trees. Smoke rose from the blackened dirt. On the edge of the Bootleg Fire in southern Oreg...
They Waited, They Worried, They Stalled. This Week, The...
The U.S. vaccine rollout has plateaued and the course of the coronavirus pandemic in this country may depend on how many people ar...
In Charleston, S.C., Saving Historic Homes Means Hoisti...
A city known for extraordinary architecture is coming to terms with intensifying storms, a rising sea and streets that flood with ...
The Police Believe 98 People Died in the Condo Collapse...
The search at the collapse site in Surfside, Fla., was declared over on Friday, but the authorities are continuing to look through...
Facebook Wants You to Connect With God. On Facebook.
The company is intensifying formal partnerships with faith groups across the United States and shaping the future of religious exp...
Debate Continues Across U.S. About Requiring Covid Vacc...
As the Delta variant of the coronavirus spreads, a debate is raging among government officials and business leaders not only about...