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‘Not Out of the Woods’: C.D.C. Issues Warning to the Un...

The renewed sense of urgency was aimed at millions of people who have not yet been vaccinated and therefore are most likely to be ...

How Veterans Are Working to Get Afghan Partners in War ...

Through WhatsApp and Facebook messages, Afghans who served as interpreters are asking former colleagues in America to get them out...

Lo-Fi Gym Staples and Techy Upgrades for Any Workout

There’s a ton of high-tech gear that can help you improve your workout and performance, but these days we’re getting back to basic...

Zen and the Art of Bikini-Line Maintenance

Of the salon appointments we’re currently really missing, waxes are high on the list. “I like to think of this period as a very lo...

What is HIPAA and How Does the Law Work?

The measure prohibits health professionals from revealing your medical records, but it is perfectly legal to ask whether someone h...

Crypto Nomads: Surfing the World for Risk and Profit

A new generation of industry leaders have set up offshore trading exchanges largely beyond the reach of American regulators.

What Gurbir Grewal Learned as the Nation’s First Sikh A...

New Jersey’s former attorney general is leaving one of the most powerful law enforcement roles in the country to play a key role a...

‘A Recipe for Catastrophic Fire’: How an Oregon Blaze B...

At the edge of the Bootleg Fire, firefighters outnumber residents in remote forest towns. It has burned for weeks, fed by winds, a...

U.S. businesses and municipalities weigh vaccine mandat...

Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York said the city might broaden the number of city workers required to get vaccinated or tested weekl...

Among Mormon Women, Frank Talk About Sacred Underclothe...

Frustrated by itchy, constrictive church-designed garments, they are asking for better fit, more options and “buttery soft fabric....

Life Expectancy in U.S. Dropped 1.5 Years in 2020, Larg...

The 18-month drop was the steepest decline since World War II, according to federal statistics. Black and Hispanic Americans were ...

Why Is It So Hazy? Wildfire Smoke Brings Red Skies, Hea...

Smoke from blazes in the Western United States and Canada stretched across North America this week.

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